E is one week old already! (Technically, this occurred yesterday. Can we pretend that this post was written yesterday too? K. Thanks.)
I wanted to take a moment and record all of those notable events that have occurred in the last week.
1) We had a baby!
A bit obvious, but still mind blowing. Two weeks ago, I was hoping that I could get everything together for school if we did deliver early. Now I am grateful that I am an over planner. Tim probably has summed up our experience the best: E is a game changer. And we are so thankful!
2) E had to be on bili lights twice. This was the hardest thing for mama.
This is quick pic I snapped of the bili lights we had here at the house. So glad these are done!
3) E came home!
Having a baby in the hospital where there are nursery nurses to help is one thing. Having baby at home when there are no nurses to take the midnight watch between feedings or answer questions is another. We've made it and haven't felt too lost along the way. There seems to be a cycle to a newborn: eat, sleep, poop. Repeat every three hours. Order may vary.
4) We've tackled clothe diapers!
We jumped in right away and started E on clothe diapers as soon as we were home. It hasn't been gross or hard. The truth is that we've already saved ourselves so much money due to diaper changes. Even in our exhausted state, washing diapers has not been a burden.
5) E has slept for three and a half hours straight in his longest stretch! It was a glorious three and a half hours. Tim and I woke up feeling like we could tackle the world. (Until the next long stretch without sleep. Yeah. Evidently they don't sleep for the same duration every time. Bummer.) Also, there is no picture to document this occasion. Why? Because we were sleeping. Which is more important than pictures.
Technically, I could document everything E has done in the last week - his first breath, first blink, first feeding, first cry, first diaper change, first outfit... Everything is a first for him and for us.
We are absolutely in love, which is exactly how life should be with your newborn.
Overwhelmed by God's blessings,
So glad you are enjoying all your firsts. I've had three sets of firsts and they are all just as exciting and memorable as the first....firsts. He is adorable and so huggable. God bless you all.