Well, I know it passes, and I know we count it in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years,... You get the picture.
But I don't know how I can already be the mother of a three month old. (One who just woke from a nap. Excuse me for a moment.)
Okay, that "moment" was a month ago. Emmitt is now 4 months old. And while E has kept me busy for the past month, a lot of other life has been happening too.
I went back to work on August 13th. As I got ready, I had a conversation with God. Well, maybe I was really just leaving God a voicemail, because it was one of those "prayers" where I was telling God what I wanted and not really wanting to hear a response that would be contrary to my wishes. The message went as follows:
For the record, I think God's voicemail was checked by his secretary who forgot to give him the message. I left for work just before 8 a.m. and by the time I stopped by the house at noon, my mother-in-law was excitedly telling me that E had rolled from his back to his side. She even had pictures of it on her phone. I had several thoughts at once."Hey, God! So, I think I can go back to work today as long as you make sure E has all of those big 'first' moments while he's home with us. I just don't want to miss out on them. And I know that you can make that happen. So thanks for helping me ease back into this!"
- Yay, Emmitt!! You are growing so big!
- I'm so grateful my MIL can use the camera on her phone to capture the moment for me. It would have been harder without a pic.
- (Imagine me staring at the ceiling with my "teacher" face.) God, I thought we talked about this!! (By the way, why do we look to the ceiling when we're talking to God???)
Until next time,
The Working Rookie Mom
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