Tuesday, October 2, 2012



I don't think I've ever been anything but a multi-tasker.

However, multi-tasking has transitioned into mom-tasking for me.

"Mom-tasking?" you ask.

Let me explain.

Multi-tasking = doing multiple things at once.
Mom-tasking = sneaking in time to do what you can't get done.

I live via multi-tasking.  Right now, I'm writing while watching the news.  Dinner is cooking.  Diapers are in the wash.  Tim is playing with E, which means I'm thoroughly distracted.  (Ladies, is there anything sweeter than watching your husband play with his infant??  I didn't think so.)  Multi-tasking is grading papers while I wait for the copy machine to finish running the papers I need for class.

Mom-tasking surprised me.  It arrived out of desperation.  One morning, I was about three weeks over due for a simple at home pedicure.  The kind where you keep the toes trimmed and the polish fresh.  My sable polish was beginning to make my toes look like they had dalmation spots.  Not cool.  Well, Tim was on "dad" duty so I could take a quick shower.  As I headed to the bathroom, I thought to myself, "I have a sec.  I could take off the old polish."  So I did.

But you know what happens if you give a mom clean toes...  she's going to want to repaint them.  So I decided if I showered quickly, I could repaint them when I was done.  Well, then I decided to shave my legs.  (Another luxury that's hard for mom's.)  I was feeling like I might be able to look some what fancy attractive normal for once.  (Another mom phenomenon.)

Well, 40 minutes later, Tim came to see if I feel down the drain.  My "quick" shower turned into spa time and pampering for mom.   My original intention and cover story was a shower.  What did I manage to mom-task?  Shaving and toe nail re-polishing.

And I'm guilty of other forms of mom-tasking.  If I need to wash bottles while dad is soothing the crying baby, I might decide that the counters need cleaned too.   I might volunteer to fold the diapers, so that I can mom-task and watch the last 20 minutes of a movie. 

Mom-tasking.  Anyone else learned this great trick?

Over and out,


P.S.  Here's a cute picture to enjoy!

Learning to hold the bottle all by himself!  Sometimes he does great.  Other times he wants me to feel needed.  ;)

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